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20192023 南加州大学语言学系 哲学博士

20162019 纽约州立大学石溪分校语言学系 博士研究生

20132016 上海外国语大学语言研究院 文学硕士

20092013 上海外国语大学国际教育学院 文学学士



2023至今 北京大学对外汉语教育学院 助理教授、研究员

20212023 南加州大学语言学系 助教

20162019 纽约州立大学石溪分校语言学系 助教








  1. Lyu, J.*, Z. Fuchs & E. Kaiser. 2024. Anticipatory processing of cataphora is constrained by Binding Principles in L2 English. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. doi:10.1017/S1366728924000208.
  2. Lyu, J.* & E. Kaiser. 2023. Multiple constraints modulate the processing of Chinese reflexives in discourse. Glossa Psycholinguistics, 2(1): 5. 1–41. doi:10.5070/G6011149.
  3. Lyu, J.* & E. Kaiser. 2021. Unpacking the blocking effect: Syntactic prominence and perspective-taking in antecedent retrieval in Mandarin Chinese. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 6(1): 136. 1–41. doi:10.16995/glossa.5781.
  4. Wu, F.*, J. Lyu & Y. Sheng. 2021. Effects of L1 Transfer are profound, yet native-like processing strategy is attainable: Evidence from advanced learners’ production of complex L2 Chinese structures. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:794500. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.794500.



  1. 吕骏*. 待刊. 视角对汉语反身代词长距离回指的影响.《现代外语》.
  2. 吕骏*. 2024. 句法原则对汉英后照应语加工影响的比较研究.外语学刊》5: 24–31.
  3. 吕骏* & 闫亚宁. 2023. 汉语重动句的句法启动研究:二语产出视角.《汉语学习》第 3 : 8494.
  4. 吕骏*, 洪炜 & 闫亚宁. 2022. 汉语反身代词加工中的局域效应和近因效应.世界汉语教学》第 1 :115–219. doi:10.13724/j.cnki.ctiw.2022.01.011.
  5. 吕骏* & 陈艺苑. 2021. 英语弱跨越结构中前、后照应语的二语加工研究.解放军外国语学院学报》第 6 : 108–116.
  6. 吕骏*. 2020. 英语弱跨越结构中代词约束的眼动研究.现代外语》第 2 :174–187.
  7. 吕骏* & 卢达威. 2018. 汉语母语者对英语量化词语义辖域的习得研究.外语教学与研究》第 4 :543–556.
  8. 吕骏 & 吴芙芸*. 2017. 试论指量词在汉语关系从句中不对称分布的可习得性——来自二语语料库及产出实验的证据.解放军外国语学院学报》2017 年第 4 :62–70.
  9. 吴芙芸* & 吕骏. 2016. 汉语关系从句与指量词的位序:二语产出视角.《汉语学习》第 4 :84–94. (全文转载于《基于认知视角的汉语第二语言习得研究》(王建勤主编),北京:商务印书馆).



  1. Wu, H. & J. Lyu. 2023. Processing of Mandarin negative polarity item and free choice item renhe. In Proceedings of the 34th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics.
  2. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2023. Empathic and logophoric binding of Chinese reflexives: An experimental investigation. In Lam, S.-Y. S. Ozaki. (eds.), Proceedings of the 53rd North East Linguistic Society, Vol. 2. pp. 179–188. GLSA Publications.
  3. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2023. Chinese complex reflexive ta-ziji as an exempt anaphor. In Farrell, P. (ed.), Proceedings of the 97th Linguistics Society of America, 8(1), 5560. doi:10.3765/plsa.v8i1.5560
  4. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2022. Disentangling locality and recency in the processing of Chinese reflexives. In Aitha, A. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 57th Chicago Linguistics Society, 257-271. Chicago: CLS.
  5. Lyu, J., J. Yun & D. Finer. 2021. Processing of anaphora and cataphora in English (non-)native speakers. In Kim, S. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 56th Chicago Linguistics Society, 295–307. Chicago: CLS.
  6. Lyu, J. 2021. Tone sandhi in mono/polysyllabic single words in Shanghai Chinese. In Zhou, W. et al. (eds.), Buckeye East Asian Linguistics, 5, 71–82. Ohio State University.
  7. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2021. Assessing sensitivity to Condition A in the case of Chinese reflexives. In Farrell, P. (ed.), Proceedings of the 95th Linguistics Society of America, 6(1), 775–787. doi:10.3765/plsa.v6i1.5014
  8. Lyu, J. 2018. Weak crossover in Chinese—now you see it, now you don’t. In Cooley, F. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Texas Linguistics Society, 54–64. Austin: TLS.






  1. Lyu, J. 2024. The processing of weak crossover in L2 English. Poster presentation at the Highlights in the Language Sciences. Nijmegen, Netherlands. Jul. 8–11.
  2. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2024. The immediate effect of the crossover constraint on pronoun resolution in English. Plenary talk at the 37th Annual Meeting on Human Sentence Processing. Ann Arbor, MI. May 16–18.
  3. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2024. Phase c-command and cataphora resolution in Chinese. Poster presentation at the 37th Annual Meeting on Human Sentence Processing. Ann Arbor, MI. May 16–18.
  4. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2024 Perspectives and Chinese reflexives: An experimental investigation. Talk at the 98th Linguistic Society of America. New York City, NY. Jan. 4–7.
  5. Lyu, J. & J. Yun. 2024. The accessibility of structural and semantic cues in the processing of English weak crossover. Talk at the 98th Linguistic Society of America. New York City, NY. Jan. 4–7.
  6. Lyu, J. 2023. Different tasks modulate the locality bias in reflexive resolution in Mandarin. Poster presentation at the 2nd Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing in Asia. Hong Kong, China. Dec. 1–3.
  7. Lyu, J. 2023. Speaker-oriented adverbs expectedly impact reflexive resolution in Chinese. Poster presentation at the 2nd Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing in Asia. Hong Kong, China. Dec. 1–3.
  8. Lyu, J. & Y. Jiwon. 2023. Structural and semantic cues impact the processing of the weak crossover construction at different stages: Evidence from self-paced reading. Poster presentation at the 2nd Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing in Asia. Hong Kong, China. Dec. 1–3.
  9. Lyu, J. 2023. Grammatical and non-grammatical constraints in cataphora resolution in English and Chinese. Talk at the Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Processing and Learning 2023. Zurich, Switzerland. Nov. 6–8.
  10. Lyu, J. & Y. Jiwon. 2023. Resumptive pronouns and the processing of complex NP island: Evidence from eye-tracking during reading. Poster presentation at the 36th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Pittsburgh, PA. Mar. 9–11.
  11. Lyu, J. & Y. Jiwon. 2023. Processing resumptive pronouns in complex NP island: An eye-tracking study. Talk at the 5th California Meeting on Psycholinguistics. Los Angeles, CA. Jan. 28–29.
  12. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2023. Empathic and logophoric binding of Chinese reflexives: An experimental investigation. Poster presentation at the 53rd North East Linguistic Society. Vienna, Austria. Jan. 12–14.
  13. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2023. Chinese complex reflexive ta-ziji as an exempt anaphor. Talk at the 97th Linguistic Society of America. Denver, CO. Jan. 5–8.
  14. Wu, H. & J. Lyu. 2022. Processing of Mandarin negative polarity item and free choice item renhe. Talk at the 34th annual meeting of the North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Bloomington, IND. Sep. 24–25.
  15. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2022. Cataphora resolution and Principle B in L2 English. Poster presentation at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. York, UK. Sep. 7–9.
  16. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2022. Chinese reflexive ta-ziji and discourse factors. Talk at the 34th Annual Meeting of the North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Bloomington, IND. Sep. 24–25.
  17. Lyu, J. 2022. The role of Non-coreference Rule in the processing of cataphora in Chinese. Poster presentation at the 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Virtual conference. Mar. 24–26.
  18. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2022. A comparative study of cataphora resolution in Chinese and English. Poster presentation at the 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Virtual conference. Mar. 24–26.
  19. Lyu, J. & Y. Yan. 2022. Syntactic priming of verb copying constructions in (non-)native Chinese speakers. Talk at the 30th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe. Virtual conference. Jan. 25–27.
  20. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2021. Syntactic prominence and the blocking effect in Mandarin Chinese. Talk at the 52nd annual meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. Virtual conference. Oct. 29–31.
  21. Yan, Y. & J. Lyu. 2021. Syntactic priming of verb copying constructions in (non-)native Chinese speakers. Short talk at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Paris. Sep. 2–4.
  22. Lyu, J. & F. Wang. 2021. Compound or single word: Phonological analysis of names in Shanghai Chinese. Talk at the 33th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Virtual conference. Jun. 24–25.
  23. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2021. Structural and non-structural factors in the processing of Chinese reflexives. Talk at the 4th California Meeting on Psycholinguistics. Virtual conference. May 22–23.
  24. Lyu, J., Y. Yan & E. Kaiser. 2021. Disentangling locality and recency in the processing of Chinese reflexives. Talk at the 57th Chicago Linguistics Society. Virtual conference. May 6–8.
  25. Lyu, J. 2021. Processing of anaphora and cataphora in weak crossover in English (non-)native speakers. Talk at the 20th Japanese Second Language Association. Virtual conference. Mar. 27–28.
  26. Lyu, J., F. Wang & E. Kaiser. 2021. Antecedent prominence and the Chinese reflexive ziji. Poster presentation at the 45th Penn Linguistics Conference. Virtual conference. Mar. 19–21.
  27. Lyu, J. 2021. Tone sandhi in mono/polysyllabic single words in Shanghai Chinese. Talk at the 4th Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Forum. Virtual conference. Mar. 5.
  28. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2021. Anaphora resolution in causal coherence relations in Chinese. Poster presentation at the 34th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Virtual conference. Mar. 4–6.
  29. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2021. Antecedent prominence and the Chinese reflexive ziji. Poster presentation at the 34th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Virtual conference. Mar. 4–6.
  30. Lyu, J. & E. Kaiser. 2021. Reconsidering sensitivity to Condition A of two types of Chinese reflexives. Poster presentation at the 95th Linguistics Society of America. Virtual conference. Jan. 7–10.
  31. Wang, F., K. Tang & J. Lyu. 2021. The effect of pitch accent on the perception of English lexical stress by native and non-native listeners. Poster presentation at the 95th Linguistics Society of America. Virtual conference. Jan. 7–10.
  32. Lyu, J., J. Yun & D. Finer. 2020. Processing of anaphora and cataphora in weak crossover in English (non-)native speakers. Poster presentation at the 56th Chicago Linguistics Society. Virtual conference. Apr. 30–May 2.
  33. Lyu, J., J. Yun & D. Finer. 2020. Processing weak crossover in forward and backward A’-dependencies. Poster presentation at the 33rd CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Virtual conference. Mar. 18–21.
  34. Lyu, J., F. Wang., D. Lu & Y. Chen. 2019. Recency or locality: A story of two Chinese reflexives. Poster presentation at the 50th North East Linguistic Society. Boston, MA. Oct. 25–27.
  35. Lyu, J. 2019. Pronominal binding in weak crossover: An eye-tracking study. Poster presentation at the 42nd Generative Linguistics in the Old World. Oslo, Norway. May 7–11.
  36. Lyu, J. 2019. Selective opacity of RC islands in Mandarin. Poster presentation at the 43rd Pennsylvania Linguistics Conference. Philadelphia, PA. Mar. 22–24.
  37. Lyu, J. 2019. Episodic eventuality impacts RC island processing in Mandarin. Talk in the organized session “Experimental Approaches to Cross-linguistic Variation in Island Phenomena” at the 93rd Linguistic Society of America. New York, NY. Jan. 3–6.
  38. Lyu, J. 2018. Linguistic internal and external factors in processing Chinese islands. Talk at Rencontre d’Automne de Linguistique Formelle. Paris, France. Dec. 6–7.
  39. Lyu, J. & L. Zhang. 2018. Processing quantifier scopes in a second language: Evidence from L2-English and L2- Spanish. Talk at the 18th Conference of the Japanese Second Language Association. Tokyo, Japan. Jun. 16–17.
  40. Lyu, J. & L. Zhang. 2018. Representing inverse semantic scope in L2-Spanish. Talk at the 48th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. Toronto, Canada. Apr. 25–28.
  41. Lyu, J. & L. Zhang. 2018. Representing inverse semantic scope in L2-Spanish. Poster presentation at the 31st CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Davis, CA. Mar. 15–17.
  42. Lyu, J., H. Wu, A. Yanilmaz & J. Drury. 2018. ERP effects distinguishing negative polarity versus free choice: A look at English ANY and Mandarin RENHE. Poster presentation at the 31st CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Davis, CA. Mar. 15–17.
  43. Lyu, J. 2018. Linearity effect in weak crossover bleeding in Mandarin Chinese. Poster presentation at the 31st CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Davis, CA. Mar. 15–17.
  44. Lyu, J. 2018. D-linking and syntactic islands in Mandarin Chinese. Poster presentation at the 31st CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Davis, CA. Mar. 15–17.
  45. Lyu, J. 2017. Unfreeze rigid L1-Chinese inverse scope in L2-English comprehension. Talk at the SYNC (Stony Brook, Yale, NYU, CUNY) Conference. New Haven, CT. Dec. 9.
  46. Wu, H., J. Lyu, A. Yanilmaz & J. Drury. 2017. ANY ERP effect. Poster presentation at the 9th Society for Neurology of Language. Baltimore, MD. Nov. 8–10.
  47. Lyu, J. 2017. Weak crossover in Chinese–now you see it, now you don’t. Talk at the 17th Texas Linguistics Society. Austin, TX. Sep. 15–16.
  48. Lyu, J. & F. Wu. 2015. L1 transfer modulates positioning bias of demonstrative-classifiers in Chinese relatives: A contrastive study on Japanese- and Korean-speaking L2-Chinese learners. Poster presentation at the 3rd East Asian Psycholinguistics Colloquium. Potsdam, Germany. Aug. 31.
  49. Lyu, J., Y. Sheng & F. Wu. 2015. Suppressing L1 negative transfer in positioning demonstrative-classifier phrases: Contrasting English and Korean L2-Chinese learners in producing relatives. Poster presentation at the 28th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Los Angeles, CA. Mar. 19–21.







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