2023年秋季学期留学生中文教材确认(Chinese Textbooks Confirmation for Autumn Semester 2023)
(Step1-Please check the information of your textbooks)
Note: 如果你不能在表格中找到你的信息,说明你没有按照要求在规定的时间内完成语言自评测试。请直接进行第二步,进行教材试读然后选择。
If you didn’t complete “SELF-ASSESSMENT FOR CHINESE PROFICIENCY” on schedule,you can’t find your information from the list. Please skip to Step Two and choose your textbooks.
(Step2-Please download study materials through the link and read your book)
起步1(Elementary 1)+初级汉语口语(Elementary Spoken Chinese 1)
起步2(Elementary 2)+初级汉语口语2(Elementary Spoken Chinese 2)
加速1(Quasi-Intermediate 1)+初级汉语口语·提高篇(Elementary Spoken Chinese.Improvement)
加速2(Quasi-Intermediate 2)+中级汉语口语1(Intermediate Spoken Chinese 1 )
冲刺1(Intermediate 1)+中级汉语口语2 (Intermediate Spoken Chinese 2)
冲刺2(Intermediate 2)+中级汉语口语·提高篇(Intermediate Spoken Chinese.Improvement)
飞翔1(Advanced 1)+高级汉语口语1(Advanced Spoken Chinese 1)
飞翔2(Advanced 2)+高级汉语口语2(Advanced Spoken Chinese 2)
飞翔3(Advanced 3)+高级汉语口语·提高篇(Advanced Spoken Chinese.Improvement)
(Step3-Chinese Textbooks Confirmation)
中文教材确认(Chinese Textbooks Confirmation)