尤为关注跨语言音系习得与认知加工之间的密切关系,擅长结合行为学实验以及心理语言学理论研究,运用混合效应模型、多层次建模分析、结构方程模型(CFA验证性因子分析、MTMM多特质-多方法模型、LGCM潜在增长曲线模型等)、预测建模机器学习(Classification Tree分类树、Decision Tree决策树、Random Forest随机森林模型)等分析方法对第二语言习得中的音系习得问题进行深入探索。同时在语言测试与测量领域,擅长运用IRT项目反应理论(1PL/Rasch模型、2PL模型、3PL模型等)进行语言量表的效度分析、信度检验及设计优化。
Zheng, Q., & Gor, K. (2023) The influence of native phonology, allophony, and phonotactics on nonnative lexical encoding: A vocabulary training study. Language Learning, 74(1). https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12581
Zheng, Q. (2022). Validating task-centered self-assessment on second language proficiency growth: A cross-lagged panel analysis. In S. J. Ross & M. C. Masters (Eds), Longitudinal Studies of Foreign Language Learning: Quantitative Methods and Outcomes. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003087939-10
Ross, S. J., & Zheng, Q. (2021). Strategic competence and pragmatic proficiency in L2 role plays. In J. C. Félix-Brasdefer & R. Shively, R. (Eds.), New Directions in Second Language Pragmatics (pp.179-194). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110721775-013
Zheng, Q. (2022). Bilingual and second language vocabulary processing. International Symposium on Language Science in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (人工智能时代语言科学国际研讨会2022).
Zheng, Q., & Gor, K. (2021). Exploring categorical perception, L1 phonotactic constraints, and working memory on newly formed L2 lexical representations. Presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2020, Vanderbilt University, Nashville.
Zheng, Q. (2020). Language proficiency growth: Validity evidence and prediction paradox. Originally scheduled to be presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2020 (Accepted, Cancelled due to COVID-19), Denver, Colorado.
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