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易维,北京大学对外汉语教育学院助理教授、研究员,美国马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland, College Park)第二语言习得专业博士。



2014-2020年  美国马里兰大学语言、文学与文化学院  博士(导师:Robert DeKeyser)

2011-2014年  北京大学对外汉语教育学院  硕士

2007-2011年  武汉大学文学院  学士



使用行为实验、眼动技术和脑电技术,结合心理学实验、统计建模和认知神经科学手段,以跨学科视角深入探究第二语言词汇学习和词汇加工背后的认知机制(尤其是词语组合——即语块的习得和加工规律)。在研项目涉及语块 (multiword sequences)和统计学习(statistical learning)、伴随性词汇习得 (incidental vocabulary learning)、认知学能 (cognitive aptitude)与个体差异、显性/隐性学习 (implicit vs. explicit learning)以及情绪、具身认知(embodied cognition)等课题。


[发表论文] (*通讯作者)

Zhong, Y., Shao, Yi., & Yi, W*. Affective and non-affective psycholinguistic norms for 500 Chinese three-character idioms. Behavior Research Methods. (accepted)

Yi, W*., Xu, H., & Man, K. (2025). Perception of emotion across cultures: Norms of valence, arousal, and sensory experience for 4923 Chinese words translated from English in Warriner et al.(2013). Behavior Research Methods, 57(43). [PDF]

Yi, W*., Zhao, Y., & Wang, W. (2025). Four decades of research on multiword expressions: A bibliometric analysis. Applied Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.1093/applin/amae085 [PDF]

Maie, R., & Yi, W*. (2024). Individual differences in L2 speaker intuitions of phrasal frequency and association strength of multiword sequences. Vocabulary Learning and Instruction, 13(1), 1-11.[PDF]

Yi, W*., & Zhong,Y. (2024). The processing advantage of multiword sequences: A meta-analysis. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 46(2), 427-452.[PDF]

易维*.(2022).个体差异因素对伴随性习得汉语复合词的影响汉语学习 ,(6), 86-94.[PDF]

易维*鹿士义.(2022). 线性混合效应模型在二语眼动阅读研究数据分析中的应用——R语言为例汉语教学学刊总第14辑. 71-85. [PDF]

王玮琦, 易维*,  & 鹿士义*. (2021). 句子语境类型对汉语二语学习者伴随性词汇习得的影响世界汉语教学, 35(3), 392-405. [PDF]

Yi*, W., Man, K., Ryo, M. (2023). Investigating L1 and L2 speaker intuitions of phrasal frequency and association stregnth of multiword sequences. Language Learning, 73(1), 266-300.https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12521[PDF].

Yi*, W., Lu, S., & DeKeyser, R. (2022). Orthographic, semantic, and contextual influences on initial processing and learning of novel words during reading: Evidence from eye movements. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics45(2), 194-219. https://doi.org/10.1515/CJAL-2022-0203 [PDF]

Yi*, W., DeKeyser, R. (2022). Incidental learning of semantically transparent and opaque Chinese compounds from reading: An eye-tracking approach. System, 107, 102825. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2022.102825 [PDF]

Yi*, W. (2022). Processing of novel L2 compounds across repeated exposures during reading: A growth curve analysis. Applied Psycholinguistics, 43(3), 551-579. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0142716422000017  [PDF]

Malone*, J., Yi, W., & Man, K. (2020). Using eye-tracking technology in applied linguistics and SLA: A review of Conklin et al. (2018) and Godfroid (2020). Applied Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.1093/applin/amaa041 [PDF]

Yi*, W. (2018). Statistical sensitivity, cognitive aptitudes, and processing of collocations. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 40(4), 831-856. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0272263118000141 [PDF]

Long, M., 鹿士义*, 易维. (2017). 关于任务型教学的问与答——Michael Long教授专访. 国际汉语教育(中英文), 2(1), 88-99. [PDF]

Yi, W., Lu*, S., & Ma, G. (2017). Frequency, contingency and online processing of multiword sequences: An eye-tracking study. Second Language Research, 33(4), 519-549. https://doi.org/10.1177/0267658317708009 [PDF]

易维鹿士义*. (2013). 语块的心理现实性心理科学进展21(12), 2110-2117. [PDF] 



易维. 2024年11月. 量化实证视域下的语言认知及语言习得研究. 北京大学第四十期青年教师学术沙龙

易维. 2024年11月. 语块习得与加工的认知机制. 第三届数据科学与二语研究国际研讨会,赣州.

易维. 2024年11月. Mixed-effects models and their application in linguistic studies. 北京大学中文系.

Yi, W. (2024年7月). The processing advantage of multiword sequences: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at EUROSLA 33(欧洲第二语言习得协会年会), Monpellier, France.

易维, 邵怿梅. 2023年12月. 汉语句子理解过程中的具身效应——基于形态信息的研究. 语言学与二语研究暨续论国际学术论坛, 广州.

易维, 钟妍璐. 2023年11月. The processing advantage of multiword sequences: A meta-analysis. 第二届数据科学与二语研究研讨会. 上海.

Maie, R., & Yi, W. (2023, October). Individual differences in L2 intuitions of phrasal frequency and association strength. 2023 Symposium on Vocabulary & Learning, Osaka, Japan.

Yi, W. (2023, September). The processing advantage of multiword sequences: A meta-analysis. New Trends in Chinese Second Language Acquisition Conference, Lancaster, UK (Keynote speech).

易维. 2023年2月. Statistical sensitivity, cognitive aptitudes and online processing of collocations. Invited online talk at Heritage Language 2 Consortium (HL2C). Lancaster University.

易维. 2022年12月. Investigating First and Second Language Speaker Intuitions of Phrasal Frequency and Association Strength of Multiword Sequences. 第一届数据科学与二语研究国际研讨会. 宁波.

易维. 2022年10月. The Processing Advantage of Multiword Sequences: A Meta-analysis. 第三届人工智能时代的语言科学国际会议. 北京.

易维. 2022年7月. 语块及其统计学习机制. 北京大学2022对外汉语教学暑期高级研讨班. 北京.

易维. 2021年11月. 英文学术写作经验. 北京大学对外汉语教育学院第十三期博士生沙龙.

Yi, W. (2020, November). Attentional processing and incidental learning of semantically transparent and opaque compounds through reading: An eye-tracking study. 第二届汉语国际教育研究方法中青年学者论坛. Beijing.

Yi, W. (2019, March). An eye-tracking investigation of selective attention and the role of salience in incidental vocabulary learning. Paper presented at the 2019 Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, GA.

Yi, W. (2018, July). Analyzing eye-tracking data using R (使用 R 语言分析眼动数据).北京语言大学对外汉语研究中心

Yi, W. (2017, October). Statistical sensitivity, cognitive aptitudes and online processing of collocations. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Columbus, OH.

Yi, W. (2017, June-July). Using R for second language research (R 语言在第二语言习得研究中的应用). 北京大学对外汉语教育学院

Yi, W. (2017, June). Linear mixed-effects modeling for second language research (第二语言习得研究中的混合效应模型统计方法). 北京语言大学对外汉语研究中心

Yi, W. (2016, April). Frequency, contingency and online processing of multiword sequences: An eye-tracking study. Paper presented at the 2016 Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics

















SSCI核心期刊Language Learning 2019年博士论文资助奖





Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Springer Nature集团SSCI期刊)国际编委

截至目前,本人已为以下学术期刊审稿:《世界汉语教学》、《语言教学与研究》、《心理科学进展》、Studies in Second Language Acquisition、Second Language Research、Applied Psycholinguistics、System、Journal of Second Language Studies、Journal of Psycholinguistic Research、Language and Cognition、Humanities and Social Sciences Communications


